Edwin "Edward/Ed" Pierce
BIRTH 30 JANUARY 1870 • Paradise, Coles County, Illinois, USA
DEATH 27 FEB 1914 • Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Buried: Sandborn IN Cemetery
Parents: Converse Bacon Pierce and Mary Jane Warner
Samuel A.
Mary L.
Milton V.
William L.
Ida B.
Katie B.
Charles R.
Spouse: Rosa Hougland 1892
DOB: 1872 - Sandborn, Indiana
DOD: 1901 – Sandborn, Indiana
Buried: Sandborn IN Cemetery
Claude Everett
J erry Converse
Spouse: Laura Sims
DOB: 4 Jan 1878 – Monroe Co. Indiana
DOD: 24 Dec 1946 – Ekalaka, Carter Co. Montana
Ethel Mamie
Violet Beatrice
T his is just the tree info for my great grandfather some of the thoughts and stories and life events will soon follow. A titbit concerning his name, he was named Edwin. Most documents refer to him as Edward or Ed, but an affidavit he submitted in support of his mother's request for approval of a civil war pension he stated his name was actually EDWIN. He seemed to work primarily as a butcher/meat cutter.
Ed as a young man.