The Jasonville Leader
Jasonville, Ind. Wednesday, Nov.13, 1918
Mr. and Mrs. Simon Hout, south Horace Street, received the sad intelligence Thursday afternoon that their son [Private] Herman Hout, had died of pneumonia which followed an attack of the influenza. The sad message came at a time when Mr. Holt and members of his family with their neighbors were rejoicing over the news that peace had been declared. Herman was on his way over to France when stricken and was buried at sea.
The Leader joins the many friends of the family in extending condolences to the bereaved ones.
OBIT - Herman Hout
Simon C. Hout received a telegram of the death of his son Private Herman Hout on Oct.14 of pneumonia while in route to France. Owing to existing conditions they were unable to bring the body back to the United States and the body was buried at sea with full military honors. The telegram was received in the midst of the celebration of the reported cessation of the war. They had received word of his safe arrival oversea and they expected a letter to follow stating his health and trip conditions. Private Hout left with the first consignment to leave for Camp Taylor and was later transferred to Camp Shelby where he was a member of 139th Machine Gun Co. which sailed Oct. 7.
Surviving him are his parents Mr. and Mrs. Simon Hout, sister Olive Price, brother Dallas of this city and a brother Otis who is serving with the Expeditionary Forces in France and a sister Hallie Daston of Indianapolis besides of a host of relatives and friends whose hearts are sadden by his untimely death.
We wish to extend our sincere thanks and appreciation to our friends and neighbors, to the members of the Eagle and Red Man lodge, the Rev. Shane of the Christian Church to Watson Neal and to all who kindly contributed their sympathy and floral offering as a tribute of respect in our late great sorrow of the death of our beloved son, and brother Private Herman Hout who died at sea Oct. 14th.
Mr. and Mrs. SIMON HOUT and FAMILY and Mrs. MAHALA THORLTON grandmother.
These two Jasonville veterans listed above , brothers, are not related nor known to me. But, as I came upon this on research on Veterans Day, I was just taken with the story. I do not know if any of these men's relatives still live in the Jasonville area or not.