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Writer's pictureDon Pierce

the trifecta of religion

L! L! LAK! L! L! LAK!

E! E! ERS! E! E! ERS!

LAK-ERS! Go Lakers! Go!

A school cheer from the youthful past.

“I’m going alone!”

“I don’t need you!”

“Stay home!”

Not the words of a marital spat,

But a card players intend during the game of Euchre.

“Praise God from whom all blessings flow.”

“Praise Him all creatures here below”

The doxology of praise sung in Christian worship,

All across the state of Indiana.

Each of these recalled from memory for the religious devotion Hoosiers seemed to have for their faith and the games of basketball and Euchre. Early in my life when my travels crossed with other Hoosiers, I could count on the fact that we’d have at least one of these three things in common. Maybe not so much anymore. But at one time most Hoosiers seemed to promote, proclaim and participate in one, two or three of these activities. Some with great pride. And in which order of priority was also an individual decision. And some truly could be counted to complete the trifecta of religion.

I may have more to say later on each of these.

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