BIRTH 26 SEPTEMBER 1809 • Rye,West Chester,NY,USA
DEATH NOVEMBER 1887 • Elnora, Daviess Co., Indiana, USA
Buried: ?
Parents: Roger Sniffin and Elizabeth Bacon
Married: Solomon Pierce abt. 1826
William H.
Converse Bacon
Mary Jane
From coastal Rye New York to the plain of Elnora, Indiana after four decades of pioneering settlement in Franklin Co. Indiana. My Yankee matriarch grandmother was born into the prominent Sniffin family of influential West Chester Co, New York. Hers was one of eight families who moved into New York from Connecticut after the Dutch lost their footing. The family was to be divided among loyalties during this nation’s Revolutionary War as some remained Tories others became Patriots as was depicted during the excellent television series Turn©. She came to marry Solomon Pierce after the death of her father, She would relocate with him and her two babies and widow mother to Blooming Grove, IN in 1835 as Solomon bought forty acres there. Life would bring blessings and heartaches as she raised a large family and gave birth to it over a thirty-year period. Dealing with the death of her mother, husband, teenage son and adult children preceding her own death.