The all-encompassing blue West Texas sky stretches forth upon the horizon, like the crazy, navy waves clash upon the California coastline. Dry heat radiates from the long endless blacktop roads. A respite from the darkening clouds, lightning at a distance, rain upon the highways the radiated heat becomes steam. Seventy miles traveled in less than an hour. Headed west into the bright setting sun, welcoming the rainstorm. Got to see my gal.
Passing mesquite trees on the right, and semis on the left. Hanging on tightly, for the wind gusts, for the wind seems always to be blowing. Slow down at Merkel, speed trap. Roar on through Sweetwater. Backtracking now to the base, the expansive sky, now clear and dark. Bad Company blaring from the speakers. Flashing red lights in the rearview mirror. Passing through Merkel, singing aloud. Quite a distance in the lead. Light switch pushed in. Slow, slow, no pressure upon the brakes, pull-in between the two good buddies in the tractor trailers. Young, dumb, and in love. Blest to live to be a senior.